year to the Long Lake Conservation Club. We took off Wednesday March 11th after a 2 hours late start to school. It was a long slow bus ride, but we made it there safe and sound. Those school bus drivers are pretty amazing. We got to Long Lake and the fun began. I think it was like 11 below zero, but our grounp headed out snowshoeing. I LOVED IT. Josh and I have already been looking on EBAY for a pair or 6 of those bad boys. What great fun! It was super cold, but you never would of known as it was just beautiful up there. The week was busy, but so worth it. I am so happy that I was able to partake in this great event. I would recommend to anyone reading this if you are able to go with your kid, sign up and do it. What a trip to remember!
Here is a highlight of what we all did.........
-cross country sking
-some creapy class about snakes
-snow snakes.....its a game with pool sticks, not real snakes......wasnt happy at first when I saw the name......I did threaten to cry.....
-And the Alpha wolf hunt.........I didnt get to do it....
it is a game played at night where you go out and search for the "alpha wolf" and it howls back....well needless to say, one little guy in my group started to have an astma attack.......I pulled him aside and explained the game to him, and he didnt care, he wasnt going into the woods at 10:00 at night!!! So another teacher took my group and back to camp we went.
All in all, it was a great week. I totally loved it!