Monday, May 28, 2012

You know its a good weekend when........

When you are having so much fun that you don't take out your camera. I took it with having good intentions of taking lots of first trip of the year pics. Nope. Didn't happen. What did happen was lots of good old fashion talking among parents and kids. We decided to call the weekend Putting on the Brakes.
What I learned this weekend was, after a busy long winter full of things to do. One weekend at the cabin can reconnect your family and recharge you batteries.
And the coolest thing I learned?? Our kids like us. Not the I want a new bike like us. But a your a good Mom and Dad like us.

1 comment:

Carissa said...

I love that you are updating your blog again:) And I am so glad you had fun this weekend! Can't wait to have a weekend with you up there!