Friday, November 28, 2008

What a nice day.

Well turkey day is done. It was a very nice day. We went out to Dads house. I felt a little emotional all day. I kept thinking that it could be the last time we ever had Thanksgiving in the house that I grew up in. Now I know I was a little crap head in that house. But it is still the house I grew up in. It was a great day. Eric, Carissa, Mel, Dave and kids, us, Dad, Julie, Joey and Jacob along with Julies family was there. Tina, Nathan and the girls joined us later in the afternoon. We had the traditional lunch, but Julies mom brought this pumpkin pie that was AWESOME! Holy moly it was good. We watched Christmas Vacation, and played cards and Apples to Apples. It was all in all a very nice way to spend the day.

Well I am off. Jeremy and I are meeting some people up town, Martin Zeller is playing at the golf course. So we are going to go see him.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I am feeling very thankful this year. With so much crap going on in the world. I look around and see how freakin lucky I am. Yep money is tight, but I am able to go to a movie with my child and still pay my electric bill. I am able to put gas in my car, and still go get some groceries, I do not have to choose between buying medication for my sick child and paying my rent. So while I may not be able to go buy myself a shirt full price right now, I am able to make it. We have had so many blessings in our lives.......

Some of the things I am thankful for

-My family, my rock, my sounding board, my friends.

-My kids, without them, I am just me, with them, I am everything.

-My husband, my friend, my lover, the person I need to see everyday, my partner, I am lucky. I am loved. Loved for me. I dont just love him for who he is, I also love him for who I am when I am with him.

-My job. I may not always like it. But I have it, and thats alot.

-My co-workers, my friends. They are one of the reasons I get out of bed in the morning, right after coffee and my kids!!

-Good music

-My sisters. We are like a circle, complete, never ending.

I thank God. Without him. None of this would be mine to have.

Friday, November 21, 2008


So on Wednesday night a couple of girls I work with and I went out for drinks and to play bingo. It was so much fun. Of course after a drink or two, we tend to get funnier and we started to think of different ways we could do our walk in interviews. Here are a couple of ideas
-do the interview in an irish accent.....Karen did that on Thursday, I almost pissed myself. Her name is now Pippy.
-when the client happens often, just lay your head down on your desk and start to cry your self. (Jackie's idea)
-pretend you fall asleep every couple of minutes, I know the word, just dont know how to spell it, and I am to lazy right now to look it up. (Karen's idea)
-Take out a silver gum wrapper and tell them you need to put it on there finger, that is was a lie detector. (my idea, what do you mean am I married to someone who works for the sheriffs dept)
-Scratch your head the whole time like you have lice.
-Start swearing often.......
the list was endless.
So the super fun part of the evening was when my friend Karen stood up on the last game and yelled BINGO........and she is doing this little dance, cause the cheap ass, who didnt want to spend the 2.50 to take cash out of the cash machine, thinks that she just won 99.00. I am jumping with her trying to get her attention to tell her that NO, in fact she had just won, $1000.00. No kidding she just won 1000.00. I think it took her a while to realize what she just won. What an awesome night!!!!
And let me tell you.......this could NOT have happened to a better person........think about what you would do with 1000.00...............
Heres what she did, gave some to church, gave some to a charity dealing with children, gave some to the humane society, is giving some to her mom who watches her kids 2 days a week for her, and maybe, just maybe.....she is going to go and try to find a shirt for herself that is not on the clearence rack..........I could learn alot from this friend of mine............I HAVE learned alot from this friend of am I the lucky one.

Friday, November 14, 2008

She just makes me laugh


So Thursday morning, 7am. All in one breathe mind you.....

"Yeah Mommy, tommorow is Friday and I dont have school I am going to the dentist taking daddy's fish house to hutch and then I am going with daddy to get his knee looked at and I am going to watch them take out the stiches cause that doesnt make me sick like it makes Jackson sick oh we are going to be at the doctors and I should probably get my flu shot cause you know if you get your flu shot you are less likely to get sick and you need to get your flu shot before December so you dont get sick in December and I have so much going on in December that I can not get sick there is just no time for that and it is going to hurt but only for a minute and I can deal with that do you think they will have colored bandaides..............................................."

Flu shot scheduled for 3pm today. I dont think Jackson will thank her.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Dr Baker

At work we now need to carry a beeper on the days that we are on phones. So I have requested that on my phone days I be called Dr Baker. And if they need to page me, I want it to be 911 or code blue.
So I have been trying to think of my Greys name, like McCutie, McLove, but really all I can think of is McBitchy, or McWhiney.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Trick or Treat!!!

Well here is two of our trick or treaters. What a fun night. Izzy and Jack started by hitting some of the neighbors houses and then it was off to see the Grandpas, Grandmas, Aunties and Uncles. I think it was 5 stops and we had to get a walmart bag from Uncle Eric and Auntie Carissa to put there goods in. What a fun night seeing people.