Wednesday, November 26, 2008


I am feeling very thankful this year. With so much crap going on in the world. I look around and see how freakin lucky I am. Yep money is tight, but I am able to go to a movie with my child and still pay my electric bill. I am able to put gas in my car, and still go get some groceries, I do not have to choose between buying medication for my sick child and paying my rent. So while I may not be able to go buy myself a shirt full price right now, I am able to make it. We have had so many blessings in our lives.......

Some of the things I am thankful for

-My family, my rock, my sounding board, my friends.

-My kids, without them, I am just me, with them, I am everything.

-My husband, my friend, my lover, the person I need to see everyday, my partner, I am lucky. I am loved. Loved for me. I dont just love him for who he is, I also love him for who I am when I am with him.

-My job. I may not always like it. But I have it, and thats alot.

-My co-workers, my friends. They are one of the reasons I get out of bed in the morning, right after coffee and my kids!!

-Good music

-My sisters. We are like a circle, complete, never ending.

I thank God. Without him. None of this would be mine to have.

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