This little sunshine didn't come to us by "blood", she came to us as a package deal, and boy, what a deal did we get!!!
Miss Aubrie. I can remember the very first time we met her. We were up at Sherwood for our annual Chap family Camping trip. Out of the car got this sweet shy little girl. So polite, little quiet, maybe a little nervous, and then she saw all the other kids. And off she was! She fit in like she had been coming to every Chap camping from day 1. I saw her today at the Chap family Christmas, and she was running by me, slams on the breaks, backs up and gives me a hug...Hi Jesse....and off she was again. Now, I think you probably know by now, that its those hugs that get to me! Holy Moly do I love them.
Aubrie, she is just a good kid. She loves to play, and the sparkle in her eyes, well, they will light the darkest days. She is one of the hardest working kids I know. I love going out to there house and seeing the mud boots lined up!
Aubrie, I love you, I am so glad you let us be part of your family. You make us very lucky people. Keep those eyes sparkling, you never know who's day you are making brighter.