Now you may get sick of me saying stuff like....Ray of Sunshine, They are like sunshine, but you are just going to have to stick with me here. Or not, your choice.
But this next little person, who I love so dearly, is truly a Ray of Sunshine.....
Seriously, Can you even stand to look at that face and not smile??? Wowza! Parker, what to say about this little guy? Well, everything that is good in the world is what this little boy is made of. Now don't get me wrong, I am sure there are puppy dog tails and all the things the poem says, but mixed in with it is the ability to live life to the fullest. He is non-stop action. And the fun kind at that. He makes you stop and smell the roses, slow down and look. And his heart. I mean really for being 3 years old, he knows how to love. He is always there with a hug or a kiss. And of course an I love you. My hope for you my sweet Parker, is that you never loose your sense of adventure. Because life can get pretty boring if you do. Keep exploring my sweet child, your roadmaps are written in the stars, just like the ones in your eyes!
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